hello my pal who read my blog.
i wanna introduce all about me. my name is dinda ganisawati (the third word of my name is secret. LOL). you can call me dinda or 'FUKKI'. yippa!! i got name of fukki from my favorite manga with title "Hoshin Engi". Fukki is blend from "taikoubou and ou-tenka". they have so different person and i love •°♥ °•.•°♥ °••°

i love much more listening MUSIC (> 3< *chuup2)
no life no music *alah but its pure xD
i'm crazy about :: ViVid ; DELUHI ; The Gazette ; Girugamesh ; LOLITA 23q ; Dir en Grey. . .syalalala
i love HEADBANG too (aw aw aw)
i love EAT. . .*but i cant be fat T___T
i love DRUM xD *cikicikik
i love BISHOUNEN xD (*kyaaa)

i'm first child of three children. my brother is DIAZ and my sister is DHITA. i love so much my crazzycrush FAMILY xD

lebaran tahun ini >___<

talk about the future. i have a big dream XOXO. (need more fighting to reach it). but MUST PASSION >o<.\m/